Protected Content

show for all users
Show the content for all users. This works the same as when no login tools are used.

show for login in users only
Only users who are logged in can see the content.

show for logged out users only
Only users who are logged out will see the content.
If "protected content" for an object is enabled, then the workspace will render a 'lock' icon in the lower right corner.
The color of this icon can be set in Arrange -> Grid and Guides.

Related tutorials

show for specific user groups (user roles).
Only users who are logged in with the specified user roles can see the content.
For all options, the page extension should be set to PHP. With exception of the 'show for all users' option.

Protected Menu Items

The software also has the ability to show/hide menus items based on the login status (logged in, logged out, group/user role).
This feature is available for: Breadcrumb, CSS Menu, Dropdown Menu, Go Menu, Mega Menu, Menubar, Overlay Menu, Pagination, Panel Menu, Responsive Menu, Slide Menu, Tab menu and Text menu.


Quick 'n Easy Web Builder has supported protected pages for a long time. However, sometimes you do not want to 'protect' the entire page, but just a small section of a page.

With Protected Content it is possible to show/hide elements based on the login status of users. The available options are:
show for all users (default)
show for logged in users only
show for logged out users only
show for specific user groups (user roles).

The options can set via the "Protected Content" button on the toolbar.
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