Insert Unsplash Photos

Browse thousands of free-to-use (see license), high quality images from Unsplash directly within Quick 'n Easy Web Builder.
Unsplash images can be inserted via 'Stock Photo' in the Toolbox or Insert Menu.
When you open the Stock Photo selection, it will display a random selection of images. Enter a one or more keywords in the 'Search field to display a custom selection. Each requests will display 40 images, click the 'Load More' button to show the next page.
As specified in the Unplash guidelines (, images will be inserted as 'hot links'.
So, the images are loaded from the Unsplash website, they are not uploaded to your website.

By default, Unsplash requests will be made via Quick 'n Web Builder's Unsplash account. The number of requests per hour is limited to 250 for each user.

Although the images are free-to-use, it's still your responsibility to make sure you are not infringing copyrights when using images on your website.

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